2021 - 09 (September) Meeting for Business Documents

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Meeting for Worship for Business  

Sept 19, 2021, 12:30 pm via Zoom 

Agenda - See below for documents for meeting

  1. Opening Worship and Reading of Query for the Ninth Month
  2. Clerk’s Report
  3. Fiscal Year 2021 Report 
  4. Annual Report from Religious Education
  5. Philadelphia Quarter Update
  6. Minutes for Approval: June
  7. Announcements
    1.  Reports due in October
      1. Outreach
      2. PIHN
      3. Property and House
    2. Release date for November 20 is tomorrow
  8. Closing Worship

 Query for the Ninth Month

Grounding for Transformed Lives: Equality and Justice

  • How does our meeting benefit from established patterns of prejudice, exploitation and economic convenience? What are we doing to change this?
  • How and how often does our meeting engage in a self-examination of its attitudes and actions regarding race, ability, gender, sexual orientation or class?
  • What steps are we taking as a meeting to inform ourselves about social injustice and ecological violence embedded in our political and economic systems?
  • What steps are we taking as a meeting to assure that our meeting and the committees and institutions under our care are respectful of the earth and its people?
  • Do I regularly examine myself for attitudes and behavior that indicate any hidden prejudice regarding race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or class?
  • How do my lifestyle choices affect—positively or negatively—the causes of justice and peace in our nation, the community of nations and the whole of creation?
  • How do I demonstrate in my way of living, and in what I teach my children, that love of God entails acknowledging “that of God in every person”?


